Our cinco de mayo Anniversary

Twenty-eight years together. Ray bought me roses, Josephine photo bombed the second picture, and I put in the words to an old Jim Reeves tune. We had chicken soup and fried egg sandwiches and beer. It is 6:30 PM and we are in bed, yawning, relaxing, Ray sniffling away from allergies, Josephine Jelly Bean happily asleep on her pillow between us. Hoo-wee do we know how to celebrate, or what?
Thank you all so much for the lovely good wishes you have sent over the past few days.  🙂

Give me one dozen roses,
Put my heart (and Josephine, and a favorite shell) in beside them,
Send them to the one I love.


  1. Congratulations to you and your sweetie, Maureen! The roses are so beautiful. I'll bet you did a lot of reminiscing the last few days.
    I have been thinking on why your blog doesn't update on my blog roll. I believe it is because I can't follow you on Google. Just a guess…..Hugs xo Karen


  2. Hello Maureen [and Josephine!] – such pretty roses – I have an anniversary this month too … I wonder if I'll receive something as lovely?!]

    I spotted your comment on Miriam Roger's Month in Numbers post and wanted to say 'hello' and extend an invitation to you to join in whenever you feel like it. There's no pressure and no commitment required at all. People pop in and out when ever they fancy – and that's just fine with me! And the numbers-gang are a friendly lot and always rally round and visit each others posts.

    You can find lots of ideas and inspiration on the Month in Numbers page of my blog here:: http://notesonpaper.blogspot.co.uk/p/months-in-numbers.html

    And if you have any other questions, just drop by my blog or Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/withjuliekirk and I'll be happy to help.

    Julie 🙂


Comments happily accepted. I reply to each one here on the blog -directly below what you write!