Six Word Friday: Mirror


A Mirror Neuron* I have come

to see, is the basis of

empathy. Monkey see, monkey do? True!

* * * * * *

*A mirror neuron is a neuron

that fires both when an animal

acts and when the animal observes

the same action performed by another.

Definition: Wikipedia



  1. So cool! I love this – it’s amazing when some of the concepts we think of as “ordinary” or those that we take for granted, have their root in our cells!!


  2. Hi me again, sorry but I deleted the post with your e-mail address so this is the only way I could answer your question. Yes we have more cats then Spooky-boo. We have 5 others that live here and one that lives over at my moms next door. Plus we take care of about 4 neighborhood cats as well.


  3. I have never heard of mirror neurons and now I have learned something new! Such a sweet photo, too. My rescue dog imitates his doggie companion to learn socialization, so I think they are using their mirror neurons! I’ll put your new blog address on my roll, sweet friend. Hugs xo Karen


  4. Ein so interessantes Foto mit einem aufklärendem Text, das hast du ganz super gemacht.:-)
    Danke für deinen Beitrag. !
    Ein wunderschönes Wochenende wünscht dir


  5. Awww, so very sweet. ❤

    We have two cats… Penny, who we call Pennymaker, and Maisy who's full name is Maisy Daze Sweet Potato Purr Muffin. I came up with her name in such a random way not long after we adopted her and she certainly has the loudest purr I've ever heard from a cat. lol My 5 year-old daughter loves calling her by her full name and it gives her the giggles every time. 🙂


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